In Between Patterns of Belonging

artistic component of my master's thesis
selfbound book-volume | 2024
supervisor: Arja Karhumaa | advisor: Niko Luoma
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture

distribution of disciplines: photography: 48% | editorial: 28% | writing: 14% | research: 10%

The artistic component of my master’s thesis is a three-book volume. The documentary photobooks contain research material: interview snippets and documentary photography, from three ecovillage communities:

Longing for a more sustainable way of life and design practice and not knowing how life continues after being a student in Finland in a collaborative study environment, I decided to visit three ecovillages, looking for a sense of belonging. The villages I chose are members of the ‘Global Ecovillage Network’ and are located in Finland (Keuruun Ekokylä), central Germany (Lebensgarten Steyerberg), and close to the Dutch border in Germany (Vlierhof).

After some phone calls, emails, and readings, the journey began. With prepared interview questions and a camera in my hand, I began exploring the sense of belonging based on four recognizable patterns: access, communication, recharge, and impact. The resulting materials are contained in these books, divided into three publications, one for each village.

Most of the interviews were conducted during a walk to the interviewees’ favorite places in the ecovillage. The main questions for each pattern can be found on the first page of each chapter. All questions were asked organically and began to intertwine and connect.

When staying at the ecovillages, it was most inspiring to see ecovillage communities collaborating and working towards more sustainable ways of living. Many of the practices in the villages are inspired by old cultures that were prominent at their specific locations, but also by indigenous knowledges.

I am deeply grateful to the ecovillages for enabling this study. Additionally, I am beyond grateful for the support of the advisor Niko Luoma and the supervisor Arja Karhumaa. As well as for the support of Pia-Parjanen Aaltonen and Eila Hietanen regarding the production process of the books.

The artistic component was exhibited at the VCD Graduation Show (June 2024) and at the Aalto Arts Student Show (September–October 2024), both at Aalto University.